About us
Our interdisciplinary team consisting of basic scientists and physician scientists focuses on deciphering the biology of aggressive lymphomas with a particular focus on developing novel, genetically informed lymphoma therapies. For that purpose, we are pursuing a translational approach that capitalizes on the large patient numbers treated at our center, a streamlined informed consent procedure and a fully established patient sample acquisition and biobanking process. Moreover, we developed a series of genetically engineered mouse models of defined subtypes of aggressive lymphoma, which we deploy as preclinical avatars in our research program. Our interdisciplinary team covers a wide spectrum of expertise and technological platforms, including approaches involving cell biology and biochemistry, structural biology, genomics, immunomics, metabolomics, cellular models, genetically engineered mouse models in conjunction with imaging (MRI and µCT) and molecular pathology, as well as computational efforts to understand the molecular evolution and principles of drug response and resistance in aggressive lymphoma.
Our translational research program aims to understand the impact of somatic genetic alterations in lymphoma cells on the highly complex regulatory network of signaling pathways. Our experimental workflow typically begins with large scale pharmaco-genomic or genetic screens in vitro and in vivo, followed by extensive fine-grained mechanistic experiments and in vivo validation and ultimately an active translation into the clinical arena. Therefore, we link basic research and the application of new findings with translational research to close the loop, linking disciplines and delivering therapies to patients more rapidly.